RGB & The Bean Hive

What better way to cap off an exhausting week full of drama over the never-ending discussion in online photography forums than eat all the awesome hipster overpriced food and coffee? I did just that with cool friends, Elaine and Jess. Elaine suggested RGB & The Bean Hive, a residential house turned cafe restaurant which I have not been before, and I must add it was such a great suggestion. We spent an entire afternoon eating good food and catching up. Sometimes, all you need to do is just eat and talk your worries away. RGB is indeed an easy name for me to remember, a very important phrase for photographers - red, green and blue, the primary colors that make the image sensor as well as how our eyes sense colors. In this case, RGB stands for Roast, Grind and Brew, I think. For this session, I brought along only the Olympus PEN E-P5 and M.Zuiko 25mm F1.8 lens. I shot everything with the 25mm. Pandan and Coconut Scone Australian Beef Brisket on Sourdough Pumpkin Soup with ...