Griffin Hammond - Film Making With Panasonic GH5 in Malaysia

Griffin Hammond, the Panasonic GH5 ambassador was in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia speaking on documentary film making. One of the perks of leaving Olympus Malaysia, was the freedom to receive invitations to attend such cool events, and actually be there!

Griffin Hammond speaking for Panasonic Malaysia event. 

It was an event to showcase the capabilities of the new Panasonic GH5 which is regarded as a cinematography power house. Griffin Hammond flew in all the way from the US to speak about his experience as a film maker using the Panasonic GH-series cameras, starting from early days of GH1. What caught me by surprise was that Griffin did not start out as a photographer, in fact he had almost zero basics in photography or video shooting and he courageously  dived right into the world of film making with the Panasonic GH1. He specializes in documentary and has made some successful films, making it huge over the years. His documentary film "Sriracha" was a multi-award winning film and was shot entirely with Panasonic GH3. It was no surprise that Panasonic took notice of Griffin and offered him a role as their ambassador.

The world of film making was alien to me. I am, after all, just a mere, humble photographer. Nevertheless, I fully understand and acknowledge the importance and rise of film making, since most cameras these days come with versatility to shoot high quality video. Attending Griffin Hammond's talk on film making was an eye opener to me, exposing myself to a whole new world of possibilities. Hearing Griffin's background story, his motivation to shoot film and the process behind his film making were nothing short of inspirational. I needed that push, that reminder that art is a lot more than just photography, and there is more to see and experience. Griffin not only generously shared his work with us, but also step by step process on what goes behind the scenes of his conceptual planning, shooting and editing process. If Griffin were to come to Malaysia to conduct a full day film making workshop, I would definitely sign up.

I think some of you may start to question what the heck I was doing in a Panasonic event. I was invited, and yes, there is definitely a possibility of me trying out and reviewing their newer products. The Panasonic people expressed their interests in working with me and since I have been deeply involved in the world of Micro Four Thirds, I figured, why not?

Perhaps, a photography review of the Panasonic GH5 would be awesome. Maybe that will happen. No please do not ask me to do any video reviews, not yet at this moment. Please allow me time to learn and improve myself first!

I did not like the first image since it has very busy background, so I asked if Griffin would pose for me with a simpler background. He obliged! And I thought black and white worked much better for this shot. 

Lastly, I would like to share a very meaningful quote I heard from Griffin today:

"A 100,000 dollars camera is not 50 times better than a 2,000 dollars camera"

He said that in reference to laws of diminishing return. I shall let you sit on that and do let me know what you think. You may feel free to disagree!


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