Phnom Penh Adventure Continues...

In case you have missed my recent article on Ming Thein's site, I have visited Cambodia and shot on the streets of Phnom Penh, a truly marvelous location to shoot. As usual, for articles on Ming's site, I curated my images much tighter than usual. I do still have some unpublished favourites from that series, which I am showing here.

All images were taken with Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II and M.Zuiko 12-100mm F4 IS PRO

Taking a Selfie to start the journey

People are sooooo friendly in Phnom Penh!

Tuk Tuk is the go to transport on land everywhere in the city. 

Safety, what safety? The inner engineer in me was furious seeing these scenes. 

Organized mess, who says you cannot be messy and functional at the same time?

Portrait of a Cambodian


Road Side Coffee Shop

Coffee Making

This dude was trying to show his friends something, with full body action, however, he soon found out he was being photographed, but he continued with his actions anyway. 

Market People life

Love the light in the city during late day. Fun play with light and shadow. 

Man on the roof

Portrait of a Cambodian 2

Sleep. People in Phnom Penh can just nap anywhere in the middle of the day. 

A scene from the Russian Market

The whole coffee shop within a shoulder's carry. 

Rainbow. It has been raining heavily in Phnom Penh that the place got flooded badly one week before our arrival. 

interesting, but rather expensive street food. 

Incredible Hulk is popular in Phnom Penh too. 

And of course, another selfie to close off this series. 

I miss the place already!!! 

If you love this article, kindly consider purchasing gear from my B&H link to keep this site going. 


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